Which insurance coverage does Santa Claus need to protect his valuable cargo and safely fulfill his divine mission?
A Christmas miracle in a small insurance agency
Mr. Weber ran an insurance agency in the city. He had been advising his customers conscientiously for years, but business hadn’t been going so well recently. Christmas was just around the corner, but Mr. Weber was not in the festive mood. Bills were piling up and he hardly knew how he was going to pay his employees, Mrs. Müller and Mr. Krause, until the new year.
On December 23rd, while everyone else was already thinking about their holidays, Mr. Weber was sitting alone in his office and wondering whether he would have to close the agency. Suddenly there was a knock on the door. An old man with a snow-white beard and a worn coat entered.
“Good day, Mr. Weber,” said the man in a calm voice. “I urgently need insurance.”
Mr. Weber looked up. “Insurance? For what exactly?”
The old man smiled mysteriously. “Insurance for my sleigh. I have many valuable packages to transport and I can’t afford a breakdown, do you understand?”
Mr. Weber frowned. A sleigh? That was more than unusual. “A sleigh, you say? Well… we could perhaps arrange that in the form of transport insurance. How much do you estimate the value of your cargo?”
“Priceless,” the man answered quietly. “But still, I want to be well insured so that I can start the night with peace of mind.”
Mr. Weber thought for a moment. It was all too strange, and yet it was the first customer in days. He created a policy for “special cargo” and typed in all the details. The old man signed with a squiggle that looked a bit like “Santa Claus.” He then pulled out a leather wallet and paid the amount in cash.
“Thank you very much, Mr. Weber,” he said, shaking his hand. “You’ll see – sometimes trust pays off.”
After the man had left, Mr. Weber sat at his desk for a long time. Something about this customer had touched him. He decided to spend the evening with his family and leave his worries behind for a moment.
The next morning, Christmas Eve, Mr. Weber was amazed. In the mail he found several messages from old customers who wanted to renew their insurance, and even new inquiries had come in. On his desk lay a small red bag filled with shiny chocolate coins and a note:
“Insurance taken out, trust secured. Merry Christmas! – N.”
Mr. Weber grinned. Was that really possible? A Christmas miracle? Whatever the case, it had worked. His agency was saved and he swore never to lose faith in life’s little miracles again.
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