Franz Leeb – Insurance Broker
Contact Form
Do you have any questions about business insurance for international companies with subsidiaries in Germany?
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Reinekestraße 4
81545 München
81545 München
Radlkoferstr. 2
81373 München
81373 München
089 - 74 999 997
Mo-Fr 09:00 – 18:00 Uhr oder nach Vereinbarung
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Occupational Disability Insurance for Digital Nomads
The importance of occupational disability insurance for digital nomads. Traveling the world, working from the most beautiful places and enjoying the...
Full Insurance Coverage for Santa Claus
Which insurance coverage does Santa Claus need to protect his valuable cargo and safely fulfill his divine mission? A Christmas miracle in a...
5 most important commercial insurance in Germany
If you want to adequately insure your subsidiary or company in Germany against everyday business losses, you can rely on the following 5 important...