Building Owner Liability Insurance
Liability Insurance for Building Owners and Construction Businesses in Germany
Leeb insurance broker will find the right insurance solution for you and help you in all German insurance affairs.
As a building owner, you are responsible for all damage that occurs on your construction site and also if third parties are harmed. This also applies if you have commissioned a company to carry out the construction work. Here, too, the responsibility lies with the building owner. If a claim occurs, you are liable for an unlimited amount according to the law. For this reason, building owner liability insurance is one of the most important types of insurance for building owners.
Building owner liability insurance – who is it useful for?
It is an absolute “must” for every building owner. Private liability insurance often covers smaller construction projects (e.g., extensions and conversions). However, this inclusion only applies up to a certain construction sum.
What is covered by building owner liability insurance?
All personal injuries, property damage and financial losses that the building owner negligently caused to a third party are insured, e.g. violation of the duty of care on the construction site or violation of the duty of supervision. First, the building owner’s liability insurance checks whether the injured party’s claims for damages are justified. It rejects unjustified claims. All costs – up to and including any legal dispute that may arise – are then borne by the building owner’s liability insurance. If the injured party’s claim is justified, the building owner’s liability insurance will pay within the framework of the present conditions. Furthermore, the statutory liability as a house and landowner for the property to be built on and the building to be constructed is also insured. If the building owner carries out his own construction work, construction management and planning, this must be applied for separately.
What is not covered by the building owner’s liability insurance?
Intentional damage
Liability claims between co-insured persons
Damage caused by the use of a motor vehicle, aircraft or watercraft
Fines and penalties
Changes in the groundwater level
Damage to borrowed or rented items.
Construction insurance as an additional tariff
Construction insurance offers insurance cover for sudden and unforeseen damage to the building, regardless of whether the building owner or the building contractor bears the risk, e.g. due to storms, tap water or force majeure, vandalism by third parties, damage caused by people who can no longer be identified (e.g. bathtub or window pane scratched). Construction insurance also covers the theft of permanently installed items and glass damage.
Construction worker accident insurance as an additional tariff
Friends and acquaintances often help out on the construction site. By law, construction workers are insured through the construction trade association. Building owners who work with construction workers are obliged to report the construction project to them. The construction trade association covers the medical treatment costs caused by the accident and possibly also statutory disability claims. In addition to statutory cover, it is recommended that the building owner takes out private construction worker accident insurance.
Building owner liability insurance – some practical cases
Despite apparently good security, a tarpaulin came off the construction site of a new building and scratched the neighbor’s car. The neighbor claimed damages from the building owner for the repair of his car. The amount of damage was estimated at 500.00 euros.
Shortly before the end of the day, storm clouds gathered over the new building area. The tradesmen quickly packed up their tools and left the construction site – but without making sure that the construction site was adequately cordoned off. After all, the building owner had promised to do this. After the rain had stopped, children played in the softened soil on the construction site. One of them slipped into an unsecured pit and broke his leg. The child’s parents demanded compensation for pain and suffering and reimbursement of hospital expenses. The amount of damage was estimated at around 5,300 euros.
While the carpenters were working on the roof truss, a walker was enjoying the weather and checking out the progress of the renovation project. Due to carelessness, the builder, who was helping the carpenters with the work, dropped a nail gun from the roof. The machine fell onto the forecourt of the building, a shot went off and hit the walker in the knee. Even immediate medical attention and several operations could not prevent the leg from remaining stiff. The damage was initially estimated at €74,000.
In order to renovate the facade of the building, the building owner had scaffolding erected. However, the workers did not take the condition of the ground into account. As a result, the scaffolding sank significantly in one place and several struts came loose. These fell onto the adjacent street and were hit by a passing car and thrown against the neighbor’s garage. The injured parties saw the builder as being significantly at fault because he had not adequately monitored the work. The total damage was estimated at €6,400.
While inspecting the progress of the construction, a friend of the builder stepped on a nail sticking out of the ground. The nail pierced his entire foot as the visitor was only wearing light summer shoes. The injured party demanded compensation from the builder. The damage was estimated at around €2,600.
For further information please contact us.
Versicherungsmakler München is an insurance broker specializing in commercial insurance. We are experts in international commercial insurance and advise international companies with offices in Germany.
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